My Services


Thorough the study of your natal chart, including the 9th harmonic, I can identify and understand the karmic hurdles from past lives and how to address them victoriously in this life. You will be given tips and homework in order to overcome and come out triumphant. If you are in the middle of a crisis, confusion or you are stuck in the mud and don't know why, this consultation will shed light on your present incarnation and will explain what you are experiencing. With tips and tools, you will navigate your way out of darkness. And what doesn't kill you, better run.

My preferred arena of chart analysis is Twin Flame Astrology. I do not read for other types of soulmates since there are thousands of qualified astrologers who do it better than me.
The techniques I use do not apply to other types of soulmates.
Note below why I do not introduce myself as an expert:

In order to read for Twins, one must be extremely humble and believe what the client is saying.

"Ask the right question, receive the right answer".

No one will ever be able to tell you that you are not on a Twin Flame journey or tell you that this person is not your twin. YOU TELL ME. The web is saturated with ignorance and negativity around the Twin Flame Journey even questioning its existence because there is no proof. There is also no proof that a soul exists, yet we all accept that it does. Believing in karma implies that you believe in the soul.  Most of these "experts" throw that word around when telling you that Twins only reunite when the karma is worked through. And that only 1% of Twins are reuniting (and how would they know? Do they take a Twin census? Are you supposed to report to them when you reunite??)

Incorrect and False.

As long as you are alive, you will have karma. No one can help you with karma better than your Twin Flame or a karmic astrologer ;-)

All this negative information is set up for you to feel disempowered and forces you to go inward for answers.  This is not a form of delusion but an imperative part of your Twin journey. You must go within to find answers that feel right.  Find the only answer that explains what you are experiencing:

"Ask the right question, receive the right answer".
These experts do not know anything about you or the Twin Flame journey. They are basing their knowledge and expertise on ancient texts that no longer apply to the spiritual evolution and revolution we experience today. No one is an expert of you.

I personally despise how the planet Neptune, the guide of all Twin Flame Reunions, is often associated with illusions, delusions and things that are not there. In order to be on a Twin journey, you must operate under Neptunian influences or it will not work.  I see that some of my colleagues use this against twins as "proof" that they are deluded.
Neptune is there to guide you into uncharted territory that cannot be proven yet EXISTS. Much like something else that cannot be proven- God/Source/Spirit.

Being chosen to work with Twins is an honor and a privilege. One must understand and respect the Twin Flame journey.  I am already empowering you by accepting that what you tell me is the divine truth of your soul. For me it is an honor to work with you and to help you in any way that I can. By admitting your truth and standing your ground, you have already loosened a lot of karma that keeps you away from your twin. Then again, the hardest part of the journey is admitting you are on it.

If you are not sure of what your truth is, please take some time with it. This is the first step for all Twins and it is something each Twin must do alone.  Admitting this truth to yourself, regardless of the opposition you encounter, will tell the Universe and your Twin that you mean business.
If no one believes you are on a Twin Flame journey, I do. You can use me to validate yourself regardless of whether you book a consultation or not.  If you want to work with me to help you own your truth, feel free to book a PLUTONIC POWER CONSULTATION:

 We will make all those insidious enemies come out of the shadows and show you what keeps you from your truth.


If you have met your Twin on the astral plane (visions, dreams, out of body experiences, telepathy, voices or anything else no one else can prove) you will feel like you are losing your mind. This is quite common and you are not alone.
If you are having these experiences with someone "who doesn't exist": Congratulations! You are on a Twin Flame journey.  The following consultation will explain these "other-wordly" experiences even if you have never been an intuitive or a medium.



If you know your Twin's EXACT time of birth and location, and are in the middle of the annoying dance prior to final reunion, this will be helpful.  We can understand your Twin Flame mission as a whole and what is standing in your way.  We can only change ourselves. Others only change if we act as a power of example.  Since Twins operate on a pulley system, the higher one Twin goes will automatically pull the other in that direction.  If both Twins lay in despair, they will stay there indefinitely.
I use the 9th harmonic chart for both Twins to ascertain what soul lessons you have signed up for individually and collectively. 
This consultation would be helpful for anyone going through the separation stage of the Twin Flame journey and the excruciating pain that it brings.

Thank you for considering me in assisting you on this amazing and unique journey.

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