About Me

I have spent the past 35 years studying and practicing Hermetics, Reiki, Spiritual Channeling and Karmic Astrology.

I am here to rock the boat to help you become empowered and fearless.


I have been through more traumatic events in one lifetime than any human should experience.  Then again, I have Pluto in the 12th house..
If you can think of one, chances are I have been through it.
I spent my adulthood in several 12-step programs and therapy wondering why the Universe hated me so much. Why was I handed such a shitty hand? Was the plan for me to keel over and die? Well, if that was the case the plan failed. No matter what went wrong, I did not cave. Strange. I survived over and over and over again.  People like me really should not be walking around, it is unusual.

Whatever I tried to do never worked. Several marriages, several business ventures, several friends.. all came and went though I desperately wanted to hang on to all of those things. All I ever wanted was to be "normal". I wanted to be just like everybody else and have a life I could feel good about.
But it wasn't happening.

When you have lost everything, you realize that you have nothing left to lose.
As I pondered this concept, I realized that I had lost something else in the process- FEAR.
Since all my worst fears had realized and I had survived them all, it was safe to say that I had arrived at a point of complete fearlessness. Was this the plan? Was I to traverse darkness unknown to many only to come out unscathed? Astrology is proof of this plan.  It was all there, in my natal chart. Holy cow.

I was not introduced to Astrology until all fears had been dismantled to dust. It was the perfect time for me to delve into this science and fact check it against all that I had been through. It all fit like a glove.  Years later, and many charts later, I am here to help you traverse your own darkness by holding a candle for you.  I will shine light for you by introducing your most powerful ally-

With Pluto, you can never lose. NEVER. Understanding Pluto, what it does and what it does for you, you will be able to see your fears and conquer them all with its help.  Pluto will inhabit the house and sign in your chart where most fears are experienced in your present incarnation. It is your red arrow, it unmasks your villains, your blocks and your fears.  Once this is accomplished, it will show you the way out of Hell with another red arrow: EXIT this way.
This method works. It was working when I was unaware of its existence. Knowledge is power and power is the realm of Pluto.

Ladies and gentlemen:
Thanks to my Pluto. I have lived to make the following announcement:
"What didn't kill me, better run."

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