Thursday, November 24, 2016

Pluto in House Seven

In order to understand these placements, the entire chart must be analyzed. These generic definitions are only the tip of the iceberg in the larger script of your life.

Pluto in the Seventh House:
The Need to Unite and Conquer

The Seventh House represents former, legalized partnerships.  It is often referred to as the House of Marriage but it also applies to business partnerships.  This is partnerships that are recognized by Church and State.  Some Astrologers believe your Significant Other can be found here since this house falls on the Descendant angle of the chart.
Well, define significant other... For many, a marriage is not significant at all and simply prefer not to experience it. In some cultures, one many may have several legal wives. Are they all significant? Sure, but not necessarily in a Twin Flame or even Soulmate way. So careful when reading about seventh house placements with soulmates because it is not true in all cases.  Let us not forget that we come from centuries of arranged marriages, especially in other countries. Royal weddings also live here as do marriage of convenience. So let's take it easy around all these seventh house soulmates misconceptions.  Soulmate placements can be found in any house since the karmic lessons between them may not culminate in a marriage nor is a legal marriage the ultimate validation of love.
Now that I got that off my chest :-)

Pluto in Seventh House wants you to feel empowered through traditional partnerships of any kind. As long as two signatures appear on a piece of paper, the relationship belongs in the seventh house. Even a formal adoption of child and parent belongs in the seventh house.  This is a child that is chosen to become family, so it belongs in this house.

People with Pluto in Seventh House often identify with roles of husband and wives and take great pride in either being married or getting married. The status around being married is highlighted here, even in case of painful squares to Pluto in this house. Karma around traditional partnership and commitment is usually found here. I should know since I have a stellium in Aries in the seventh house and I have been married three times. Very challenging. Luckily, I do not have Pluto here.

In past lives, a soul has mainly been centered around first house issues (the self, the ego, the solitary practitioner) and must now learn how to balance this firm identity in a partnership of two. Aries rules the first house and Libra, the Seventh. This is the scales and learning balance, commitment and compromise. Ouch.
Pluto here is very challenging because a person must be careful not to overpower the partner or tip the scale.  In terms of squares to your Pluto in seventh house, you may also be overpowered in relationships. With Pluto here, we learn a lot no matter what the lessons are. Also, who we marry might be extremely important.

Bridezillas have Pluto in Seventh House as do wedding planners and, yes!, confirmed bachelors and commitment phobics. Again, the rest of the chart would clarify this.
Regardless, we are called to use our Pluto to feel empowered by being in a healthy partnership. Whether that is two people coming together to start a family and learn about compromise or two people who come together to start a business, the seventh house will be your greatest teacher in your present incarnation.
Past lives of solitude, ego-centered lessons, being left at the altar, spinsters, bachelors, celibates, priesthood all need to learn with Pluto in seventh house. I find it interesting that many saints and holy people of today have Pluto in seventh house.

When it comes to business relationships, Pluto can speak of finding empowerment in career with the help of another person. The magic duo.

Here is a list of celebrities with Pluto in the Seventh House:

Barack Obama, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Priscilla Presley, Sister Emmanuelle, Elizabeth Taylor (I LOVE THIS ONE!!!), Whitney Houston, Charlie Chaplin, Sean Connery, Nelson Mandela, the Virgin Mary, Antonio Banderas, Sofia Loren, Chopin, Anthony Hopkins, Kim Basinger, Dustin Hoffman, Malcom X, Susan Sarandon, Rasputin,  Carrie Fisher, Joan Crawford, Mata Hari, Padre Pio, Catherine the Great, Madame de Pompadour, Carolyn Kennedy, Roberto Benigni,
Joe DiMaggio, Liberace,Veronica Berlusconi, Tippi Hedren, and Madam Heidi Fleiss who probably caused more divorces than any "Other Woman". Interesting list to say the least!

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